Effect of the family support with buddy care program on the care of schizophrenia patients with high risk to violence in Khonsawan district, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Rodjakorn Luemongkol Khonsawan hospital, Chaiyaphum province


family support, buddy care, schizophrenia, high risk to violence


The purpose of this quasi-experimental study (One-group with repeated measures design) was to investigate the effect of family support with buddy care program on the care of schizophrenia patients with high risk to violence in Khonsawan district, Chaiyaphum province during January to March 2021. The samples consisted of 32 schizophrenia patients who were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments were the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and clinical outcome assessment. Data were analyzed using One-way repeated measures ANOVA, and Binomial exact probability test.

After evaluated the psychiatric symptoms of patients by using BPRS found that the mean scores of psychiatric symptoms at 1-month post receiving the program (= 34.65, SD = 8.53) and 3-month post receiving the program ( = 31.96, SD = 7.42) were both lower than the scores at baseline (= 39.09, SD = 10.49). The mean scores of psychiatric symptoms were significantly different (F1.21,37.74 = 17.75, p < 0.001). Additionally, after 3-month post receiving the program, the clinical outcome such as relapse rate were reduced significantly (p = 0.031) whereas, the drug adherence rate was improved significantly (p = 0.016).

            The results showed that the family support with buddy care program was effective in caring of schizophrenia patients with high risk to violence. Therefore, this program should be implemented for other service setting.


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2021-07-19 — Updated on 2021-08-13




Original Article