The effects development of monitoring and prevention system for postpartum hemorrhage patients in private obstetrics and gynecology ward, Loei hospital


  • Poonsawat Pothong Register nurse in Private obstetrics and gynecology ward, Loei hospital
  • Surepon Kachodnog Register nurse in Private obstetrics and gynecology ward, Loei hospital
  • Pichai Boonmasri Community health nurse department, Loei hospital
  • Rapeepun Nuntana Community health nurse department, Loei hospital


Development the system, monitoring and prevention, the postpartum hemorrhage


Obstetrics and Gynecology private Ward had an incident of postpartum hemorrhage in 2015 -2017 by 0.81, 0.84 and 1.24 percent respectively and tend to increase every year. The reviewed literature in the postpartum care process found that postpartum hemorrhage resulted in the assessment and monitoring in patients not suitable for the severity of symptoms and delay to report the medical doctors. For these reasons, the researcher conducted the results of the development of the postpartum hemorrhage monitoring and prevention system in patients Obstetrics and Gynecology private Ward for solving this problem. This study aimed to study the results of the development of the postpartum hemorrhage monitoring and prevention system in patients Obstetrics and Gynecology private Ward, Loei Hospital. Participants were 6 registered nurses and 581 postpartum patients. The duration of the study conducted between January – June 2019 based on Action research of Kemmis & McTagart (1988). The study had 2 cycles were 1) planning for the postpartum hemorrhage monitoring and prevention system, 2) Implementation or action, 3) Observation, and 4) Reflection. Analysis data was content analysis in qualitative data and the frequency of quantitative data.

The findings of the development of the postpartum hemorrhage monitoring and prevention system composed of 1) Assessment of the risks of postpartum hemorrhage, 2) Nursing care for preventing of postpartum hemorrhage 3) Health education for patients and families for observing the symptoms, and 4) Reporting and referral system. Before development system, found that prevalent of postpartum hemorrhage by 0.6 percent and expense for treatment was 18,627 baht per patient to average 5 days for admitted in the hospital. After development system, found that prevalent of postpartum hemorrhage by 0.3 percent and expense for treatment was 13,760 baht per patient to average 3 days for admitted in the hospital. The score of satisfaction for nurses to the postpartum hemorrhage monitoring and prevention system was 100 percent

The study showed this study reduced medical expenses and the number of admitted days. It means the important role of professional nurses was to monitor and prevent postpartum hemorrhage by providing excellent quality postpartum nursing services.


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