The Effect of the Ability Development in Families who have Type II Diabetes Member Using Family Nursing Process and Participatory Learning
family nursing process, participatory learning, families who have type 2 diabetes memberAbstract
This quasi-experimental research, one group pretest – posttest design aimed to study the effects of the ability development in families who have type 2 diabetesmember by using family nursing process and participatory learning. The samples were 40 persons consists of the diabetesmellitus patient 20 persons and 20 persons of their family that living in Muengloei municipality,AmpherMuengloei, Loei province. In experimental group, families and their member with type2 diabetes were developed their abilities by family nursing process and participatory learning. The study instruments were family nursing care plan and participatory program. Data were collected by questionnaire which included; demographic data, diabetes patient’s and family’s knowledge, attitude and caring practices. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The results of the study were as follows:1) The families who have type 2 diabetes member showed significantly better k*nowledge, attitude on diabetes mellitus and caring practices than before starting the program. ( p <.05 )2) The diabetes mellitus patient showed significantly better knowledge, attitude on diabetes mellitus , caring practices for yourself and decrease HbA1C than before starting the program. ( p <.05 )
The finding of this study showed that family nursing process and participatory learning could improve knowledge, attitude on diabetes mellitus and caring practices of families having type2 diabetic patients. Therefore, the nurse who take care of these patients should be promoted to use family nursing process and participatory learning as the strategy to take care of patients and families, and they received holistic care.
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