The Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Patients with Peripheral Intravenous Catheters
Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline, Patients with peripheral intravenous cathetersAbstract
The developmental research aimed to develop clinical nursing practice guideline (CNPG) for patients with peripheral intravenous catheters in Chaiyaphum Hospital. The guideline developing was applied the conceptual of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia as a framework. The study sample was selected by purposive sampling included ; the developing team comprised of 18 nurses, and 60 nurses who had been working for at least one year form all wards to implement and evaluate the CNPG. The contents of the CNPG were validated and approved by three experts. The CNPG was tested on patients with peripheral intravenous catheters from August to September, 2018. The data collected between August to September 2018, was based on feasibility questionnaires of nurses opinions. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics.
Results revealed that the CNPG consists of eight major components including; 1) preparing intravenous equipments; 2) hand hygiene and aseptic technique; 3) skin preparation; 4) peripheral intravenous cannulation insertion; 5) routine care of peripheral intravenous catheters; 6) replacement of peripheral catheters and administration sets; 7) catheter site dressing regimens; and 8) routine care after device removal. A high level of nurses (88.3 %) held the opinion that the feasibility test revealed that CNPG can help resolve problems in the clinical setting, provide a clear recommendation and feasibility in implementation in clinical unit, as well as benefit patients through better outcomes.
The results of this study suggest that the CNPG can be used in clinical settings and should be applied to all units. However, evaluation should be monitored for better quality of patient care.
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