Evaluation of Measles Surveillance System in Khonsawan Hospital, Chiyaphum Province, Thailand
Measles, Surveillance system, Khonsawan hospitalAbstract
This retrospective study aimed to describe the characteristic of quantitative and qualitative attributes of measles surveillance system in Khonsawan hospital. The medical records were reviewed by inclusion criteria of measles and related diseases which diagnosed during 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2016. The results of quantitative features revealed that sensitivity of reporting was low (11.1%) but predictive value positive was good (100%). Accuracy of reported sex, age and address were good (100%). Timeliness of reporting was also good (100%). The result of qualitative features found that surveillance protocol was simplicity, flexibility and stability.
Based on these findings, the measles surveillance system in Khonsawan hospital was lack of the quality. Sensitivity reporting rate was low because physicians diagnosed measles with high specificity. Therefore, information about measles case definition and surveillance guideline to physicians was remarkable important in order to increase the sensitivity for detecting case of measles and effective disease control.
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