Outcomes of treatment Patients with Type 2 Diabetes receive services according to patient service guidelines in the epidemic situation of COVID-19 Debaratana Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital
Covid-19, Coronavirus Disease 2019, Diabetes, Development of Diabetes Care SystemAbstract
Due to the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, measures are needed to reduce congestion and reduce the chances of getting and spreading the virus in hospitals. The Diabetes Clinic, Deparatana Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital, has developed a guideline for serving diabetic mellitus type 2 patients in the situation of the COVID-19 who come to receive services according to the guidelines for providing services to patients in the epidemic situation of COVID-19, Deparatana Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital.
Objective : The treatment outcomes, including hba1c levels after the development of a diabetes care system in the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic. Deparatana Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital.
Methods: The study is Analytical research by retrospective cohort study.The sample consisted of 137 people. Has type 2 diabetes for more than 1 year and has hba1c blood glucose test results for 3 years, treatment with oral medication and have or not in hypertension. Have result which is 2019-2021. Data were collected from patient medical records. using the data collection form has passed the content compliance check by an expert Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as number, mean, percentage, standard deviation. Data were analyzed and compared, outcomes, and treatment outcomes using Repeated Measurement Anova.
Result : The results showed that the mean hba1c levels in patients with type 2 diabetes in 2019-2021 were 8.12, 8.29 and 7.88, respectively. Hba1c before the COVID-19 epidemic (Year 2019) and after the 2nd-4th wave of COVID-19 (Year 2021) there was a mean decrease of 8.12 ± 1.83 and 7.88 ± 1.80, respectively, but not significant. Statistically significant (P-value =.172)
Conclusion : Summary of discussion results Developing a diabetes care system in the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic Deparatana Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital be appropriate to control blood sugar levels of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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