High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy in children hospitalized with respiratory distress at Nongbuadeang Hospital
High flow nasal cannula (HFNC), Respiratory distress, Oxygen therapyAbstract
Background: Nongbuadeang Hospital has many patients with respiratory distress or acute dyspnea. Some people have severe symptoms that require intubation. Currently, there is High flow nasal cannula (HFNC), that it has been found to be similar in safety and efficacy to Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).
Objective: To study the clinical efficacy of HFNC therapy in children hospitalized with respiratory distress at Nongbuadeang Hospital.
Methodology: A retrospective study was performed in pediatric patients aged below 15 years who were admitted to Nongbuadeang Hospital with respiratory distress and had the HFNC therapy from January 1st 2018 to December 31st 2020. Data were collected from medical records. Analyze and present the data as averages and percentages.
Results: The 36 pediatric patients in HFNC therapy, males 22 cases (61.11%), females 14 cases (38.89%). The youngest patient age was 1 day and the highest was 7 years, the mean age was 1 year and 8 months. The lowest weight of patient was 2.6 kg. and the heaviest weight was 28.7 kg., most of them had pneumonia (88.89 %). After therapy with HFNC, the symptom of 34 patients (94.44%) were improved, but 2 cases were failed and they needed to be intubated.
Conclusion: Pediatric patients with dyspnea symptoms were improving after 2 hours of HFNC treatment. HFNC can be reduced intubation rates and no complication.
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