The Effects of drug fall prevention programs in the elderly at Seka primary care unit.
IntroductionFalls in the elderly was increasing and threefold more in those 80 and older. Using drugs that may cause drowsiness was associated with higher risk of falling. This was leading to important problems, effecting physical, mental, social and economic impacts on the elderly and their families.
Objective : To study the effect of using the educational program on the prevention of falls from drug use in the elderly at Sega City Community Health Center, Seka District, Bueng Kan Province.
Method and Material : A quasi-experimental study design was conducted in 30 elderly patients and inclusion criteria at Sega City Community Health Center, Seka District, Bueng Kan Province. The educational program to prevent falls from drugs used consists of 1) recreational activity 2) debate on risks of fall and fall prevention 3) debate on fall-risk-increasing-drugs and 4) debate on how to read medication labels. The questionnaire was tested content validity index by 3 experts and tryout for the Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) was 0.94. The data collection was performed between May-June 2021. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis.
Result : The study found that, 73.33% of the participants were female. Mean age was 68.87 (SD±5.85). Marital status as a couple, primary education and had at least two previous diagnosis of chronic disease. After using the educational program to prevent falls from drugs used, the average knowledge score on risk factors and fall prevention was increasing 1.67±0.05. The average knowledge score on fall-risk-increasing-drugs was increasing 1.90±0.50. And the average knowledge score on reading medication labels was increasing 2.16±1.07. Which average knowledge scores on three part was significantly increasing (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The elderly had an increase in average knowledge scores on three parts after using the educational program to prevent falls from drugs used.
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