Nursing care of patients with femoral fractures treated by surgery: Two comparative case studies
femoral fracture, elderly person, surgical treatmentAbstract
Femoral fractures are acute illnesses. It is found in the elderly. The cause is caused by a fall. although the mechanism of injury is not severe may result in chronic illness cause permanent pathology, disability and can die.
Objective: To compare nursing care for patients with femoral fractures: a case study of 2 patients.
How to conduct the study: Choose a topic of interest to study. Study documents, academic textbooks and related research. Study the patient's medical regulations. and selected 2 case studies of interest with different sex, age and congenital disease for comparison. In-depth study of both patients by studying medical records home visit and monitoring of patient outcomes.
Study results: Femoral fractures in the elderly can occur from falls. and traffic accidents Once it does, it can cause disability and even death. Treatment was considered appropriate for each patient, both surgical and non-surgical. Both surgical treatments were used in this study. Case 1: Surgery with a steel splint with a smaller incision. have normal perception able to help themselves, good treatment results, able to return to normal life. Case 2: Hip socket replacement surgery and the hip neck was completely new, causing the wound to be larger in relation to old age There are many congenital diseases. The patient is in a dependent state. inability to take care of himself After the surgery, all other people need care, resulting in complications such as bedridden, pressure sores and urinary tract infection. It can be seen that from the individual factors of the patients, the two cases are different, resulting in different treatment outcomes. Even though the theory and nursing process are applied in the same direction.
Conclusion: Incorporating Orem's nursing theory into nursing planning along with preoperative counseling resulted in more efficient care. Patients can return to normal life. and no complications were found.
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