Research study assessed exposure Index (EI) in chest radiograph of mobile units during 2020 - 2022 Chaiyaphum Hospital
Exposure Index, Chest Radiograph, Mobile Digital SystemAbstract
Cross-sectional research (Cross-sectional study) aimed to evaluate radiographic index values on chest radiographs. Compared with the standard criteria of the manufacturing company Using secondary data of service recipients from 2020 - 2022, a total of 900 images (300 images per year), dividing the analysis into 2 periods: year 2020 using the Mobile PHILIPS digital system and Year 2021 - 2022 use the Mobile FUJIFILM digital system. Describe data with numbers, percentages and analyze and compare appropriate radiographic ranges with Z-test statistics for proportion values.
The research results are divided into 2 periods. In 2020, when using Mobile PHILIPS, it was found that the radiation index (EI) of chest radiographs was in the appropriate range according to the company's standard criteria (Optimum 300 - 100) at 12.3 percent (95 % CI: 8.6, 16.1) and 87.3 percent (95% CI: 83.6, 91.1), which is a large group, had EI values at the level below the threshold (Under exposure EI > 300) while EI values were above the threshold (Over exposure EI). < 100) had a relatively small number, only 0.3 percent (95% CI: -0.31, 0.9). However, the estimated value of this proportion in the population is estimated. Not statistically significant (p-value > 0.05) and in the years 2021 - 2022 using Mobile FUJIFILM, it was found that the EI value was within the appropriate range of 21.2 percent (95% CI: 17.9, 24.4) and below the standard range, 0.3 percent (95% CI: -0.13, 0.8) while 78.5 percent (95% CI: 75.2, 81.8) were in the range above the standard. And just like PHILIPS Company, the said proportion value Not statistically significant when compared in the population (p-value > 0.05).
Mobile digital usage of both companies still gives EI values within the standard range that are quite low (12.3 - 21.2 percent) and have opposite characteristics in the two companies, with PHILIPS Company having a high proportion in the Under group and low in the Over group, while At FUJIFILM Company, the proportion is high in the Over group and low in the Under group. This is due to the development of knowledge and skills of personnel who use the system. May need to be considered for improvement.
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- 2024-01-12 (2)
- 2023-12-18 (1)
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