Nursing care for glaucoma with comorbidity and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens with trabeculectomy: case study
Glaucoma, Phacoemulsification with Intraocular Lens, TrabeculectomyAbstract
Glaucoma is the cause of permanent vision loss. Only one treatment is damage optic stopping and maintain vision able for lifetime. Important nursing care involve with pre and post operative care and discharge plan.
Objective: To study nursing care for patients with glaucoma who have comorbidity and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens with trabeculectomy according to Gordon's health model theory.
Methods: This is a case study in a Thai female patient aged 69 years who presented with pain in her right eye for 3 days. The doctor diagnosed her with angle-closure glaucoma along with clouding of the corneal lens. in the EENT In-Patient Department Debaratana Nakhonratchasima Hospita. Between 27 June - 29 June 2022, data were collected from medical records. Interviewing patients and relatives physical examination and special inspection. It was found that the nursing diagnosis had been corrected. Sold after 3 days of hospital stay.
Results: The case study patient is an elderly person. Has a congenital disease, namely diabetes. Hyperlipidemia. It was found to be angle-closure glaucoma combined with cataract in the right eye. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens with trabeculectomy surgery. Physical examination found right cornea is cloudy and mild injected conjunctiva. Visual Acuity test right eye 20/70 PH 20/70, left eye 20/50 - 1 PH 20/30 - 2. Intraocular pressure level: right eye 41 mmHg, left eye 14 mmHg. Take a picture of the retina C: D RE 0. 9 Right eye lens NS 3+. Assess patients using Gordon's 11 scales. Three main nursing diagnoses were found: discomfort caused by disease pathologies and surgery, lack of knowledge on how to behave and leading to anxiety. and risks to the visual system and accidents from falls. Provide nursing care according to the planned nursing plan and evaluate nursing outcomes.
Conclusion: Glaucoma patients undergoing surgery Most are caused by an inability to control the level of eye pressure. This is caused by complex health problems such as behavioral issues with inconsistent drug use. Inability to take care of oneself Lack of knowledge to take care of yourself. Gordon's Health Model It is an evaluation of a person's internal and external behavior. Both evaluate environmental systems and social support. Good distribution planning There is a support system. Allow family members to participate in patient care. Makes patients have more knowledge and understanding about taking care of themselves.
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