Analysis of 70% Alcohol Concentration at 0, 90 and 180 Days of Chaiyaphum Hospital
alcohol-based cleaning products, alcohol, disinfectantAbstract
The situation of coronavirus outbreak in 2019 made the consumption of alcohol in short supply. Preparing 70% alcohol products for use in the agency is sufficient to meet demand and in a timely manner for use. However, evaluating the effectiveness of the solution after opening is something that should be concern. This study aims to compare the concentrations of alcohol content. After opening the packaging is opened, divide the finished product into 30 bottoms of 400 mL cylinders. And place them in different locations with different environment and temperature, and measure with an instrument THERMO-Alcohol Meter to recode the result at time 0, 90 and 180 days. Testing by Repeated Measure ANOVA and Friedman’s test
The results of the study found that the physical characteristics of the pharmaceutical of 70% alcohol, such as color, smell and PH-value did not change over a period of 180 days. While the concentration of 70% alcohol decreased slightly (Day 0; Mean = 70.87: sd.=0.36, Day 90; Mean = 70.80: sd.= 0.36, Day 180; Mean = 70.75: sd.= 0.37). Friedman test showed that the difference was statistically significant (Q(2) = 12.55, p-value = 0.0019)
The concentration of 70% alcohol decreased slightly over a period of 6 month but still had the quality according to pharmaceutical standards for sterilization (more than 60%). The study takes a long time to determine the validity period, including comparing other testing methods, and transferring the process to other hospitals or communities as a way of development.
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