Nursing care for Pneumonia with Respiratory Distress in pediatric patient: A case study
pediatric nursing, pneumonia, respiratory Distress, Gordon's 11 patternsAbstract
Background: Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children under 5 years old. Appropriate nursing care can help reduce major complications.
Objective: To study nursing care for one pediatric patient with pneumonia and RDS. who receive treatment at the outpatient department Chaiyaphum Hospital during November 2023
Educational format: It is a specific case study. Patient information was studied from medical records and relatives who consented to use the data in the study. Use data to analyze problems. care needs Assessing the problem according to Gordon's 11 patterns, it was found that the abnormal patterns were patterns 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10.
Results of the study: A 10-month-old Thai pediatric patient presented with a three-day history of fever, accompanied by productive cough, labored breathing, and chest retractions. The physician diagnosed pneumonia with respiratory distress. Auscultation revealed bilateral wheezing, bilateral rhonchi, and crepitation in the right lower lung (RLL). Chest X-ray showed patchy infiltrate in the right lower lobe. The patient was admitted for hospitalization and a nursing care plan was devised accordingly: 1) Risk for impaired tissue perfusion related to pulmonary inflammation. 2) Risk for airway obstruction related to ineffective cough and productive cough. 3) Risk for impaired gas exchange related to decreased pulmonary efficiency due to pneumonia. 4) Discomfort related to productive cough. 5) Decreased activity intolerance related to respiratory distress and fatigue. 6) Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to decreased oral intake. 7) Parental anxiety related to lack of knowledge regarding patient care and prevention of recurrence.
Conclusion: In addition to assessing health status Providing care that is fast, comprehensive and appropriate Effective distribution planning It is also something to consider in cases of pneumonia and RDS in children.
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