Risk factors associated with Postpartum Hemorrhage in PhuKhiao Chaloem Prakiat Hospital Chaiyaphum Province


  • Othanee Suwanmalee PhuKhiao Chaloem Prakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province


Risk factors, Postpartum Hemorrhage


This research is a case-control study aimed to investigating the prevalence and risk factors of early postpartum hemorrhage in pregnant women who delivered at Phu Khiao Chalerm Phra Kiat Hospital between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023. The study included 508 participants, selected through sampling from medical records and birth registers. Data was collected using a pregnancy data recording tool, which had a reliability score of 0.85. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression were used for analysis.

The results show that 71 pregnant women have early postpartum hemorrhage, representing a prevalence of 14 percent. Of these, 63.4% of cases are classified as minor postpartum hemorrhage. Risk factors associated with postpartum hemorrhage included maternal anemia (adj. OR=3.25; 95% CI: 1.29, 8.18), higher than normal birth weight (adj. OR=12: 3.57, 45.62), placental abnormalities (adj. OR=8.31; 95% CI: 2.14, 32.24), tear of stitches level 3 and above (adj. OR=32.43; 95% CI: 5.20, 202.49), prolonged first stage of labor (adj.OR = 4.29; 95% CI: 2.03, 9.03) and prolonged third stage of labor (adj.OR=17.46; 95% CI: 2.98, 102.42). These factors collectively predict a 32.3 percent likelihood of early postpartum hemorrhage. Additionally, having a higher than normal body mass index before pregnancy was associated with a 72% lower risk of postpartum hemorrhage compared to having a normal pre-pregnancy body mass index.

Postpartum hemorrhage depends on many factors. Focusing on screening, and risk factors since in the pregnancy phase will be surveillance and treatment before the occurrence of abnormalities in pregnant women.


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