Assessment of a New Blood Collection Tube for HbA1c and Glucose Determination in One Tube Concept


  • Kotchakorn Thongsukkaeng Phukhieo Chalerm Prakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province


HbA1c, Glucose, K3EDTA, NaF, Innomed


            This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Innomed blood collection tubes, a Thai innovation designed for simultaneous measurement of glucose and HbA1c levels in a single tube.

           Methodology: Blood samples were collected from 40 individuals, including both healthy controls and diabetic patients, at Phu Khieo Chalerm Prakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum province. The results obtained from Innomed tubes were compared with those from standard NaF tubes for glucose and K3EDTA tubes for HbA1c. Statistical analyses included paired t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation.

            Results: Glucose levels measured in Innomed tubes did not differ significantly from those in NaF tubes over an 8-hour period (p>0.05). A greater decrease in glucose levels was observed in the healthy control group compared to the diabetic group. HbA1c values between Innomed tubes and K3EDTA tubes showed a high correlation (R²=0.9991, p<0.01).

            Conclusion: Innomed blood collection tubes demonstrated comparable performance to standard tubes for the analysis of both glucose and HbA1c, reducing the need for repeated blood draws, saving costs, and enhancing laboratory efficiency.


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2024-12-31 — Updated on 2025-01-03




Original Article