Treatment resultsof bone fracture in patients with hip fracture in Phukhieochalermpakiat Hospital, Chaiyaphum Province
Bone fracture, Fracture, around hip jointAbstract
Introduction: This study was a retrospective study to examine the effects of recurrent bone fractures in patients had been hip fractures.
Method: Data and radiographs of patients who had been hip bone fractures and received the treatment in Phukhieochalermprakiat hospital, Chaiyaphum during 1 October 2015 – 30 September 2017 were retrospectively collected by ICD10 of patients diagnosed with hip fractures from medical records and radiographs. This study used General records and clinical records of recurrent bone fractures in patients had been hip fractures. Statistical analysis of frequency, minimum value, maximum value, mean and standard deviation.
Results: There were 75 of hip bone fractures. Most of them were female (62.67%), aged 73±11.97 years, BMI ≤23 74.67%, non underlying disease 80%. The most common cause of hip bone fracture was slipping in the bathroom and other that 41.34%. Treatment for hip bone fracture with physical therapy and walking aid (not surgery) and PFN surgery that 65.33% and 42.32%, respectively. Position of hip bone fracture in Intertrochanter that 92.00%. Bone healing in surgical patients that normal 50.00% and non surgical patients that deformity 63.27%. Angular of hip fracture was 116-119 degrees 42.67%
There were 12 patients who recurrent bone fractures had been hip fractures. Most of them were female (66.67%), aged 75±10.38 years, BMI ≤23 91.67%, had depression disease 41.67%. The cause of hip fracture was self-falling from muscle weakness / muscle pain 58.33%. Treatment of hip fracture with surgical 75% (Bipolar surgical 55.57%). Position of hip bone fracture in Intertrochanter that 66.67%. Bone healing in surgical patients that normal and non surgical patients that deformity was equal 44.45%. Angular of hip fracture less than 115 degrees 41.67%
Treatment of recurrent hip bone fractures common in patient had been hip fractures in Intertrochanter both treated surgical and non-surgical. Patients with concomitant medications that affect the balance mechanisms, such as hypnotic drugs made falling easily. The angular of hip fracture was less than or equal to 115 degrees.
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