Outpatient ,inguinal hernia repair under local anesthesia in Chaiyaphum provincial hospital
Hernia surgery, inguinal hernia, local anesthesiaAbstract
Inguinal hernia is a common condition in the surgical practice. Conventional surgical treatment was performed under general or spinal anesthesia. However, recent report of inguinal hernia repair has been published. We prospectively studied 85 cases of inguinal hernia repair Lichtenstein’sHernioplasty with synthetic mesh performed under local anesthesia as an outpatient setting. Among our study cohort, two cases of complication due to local anesthesia (Dizziness and Femoral nerve paresis) were seen. This study showed the feasibility of hernia repair under local anesthesia, which is less expensive than conventional method under general and spinal anesthesia.
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