The Development of Health Information System for Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office
Health Information, Information SystemsAbstract
This research purposes to develop the health information system for Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office by using the System development life cycle : SDLC which including planning, Analysis, Design, Generate test and releases, Care development and Evaluation, respectively. The representative samples are the personels who involved in health information operations. A total of 65 representative samples were selected. The qualitative assessment and sample satisfaction were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis.
Results : The analysis shows SDLC can integrate Health promotion, Disease prevention and medical treatment Information together which is reliable. This system is very helpful for administrators, academics, practitioners, and the public. It can save much time when doing the report, link and exchange information between the service inside and outside the districts, provinces, National Health Security Office and Ministry of Public Health. Moreover, identifying health and access to public services.
Conclusion : There are a lot of benefits but still has the discrepancies of the record are lower than the actual record and the information errors. It is suggested that the research should be continue to modify the mistake and develop the system to get the real data import.
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