A comparison of the reduced pain between morphine and pethidine in the ceasarean section patients By the general anesthesia in chaiyaphum hospital
pain managements, general anesthesia, narcotics drug.Abstract
A quasi-experimental research study compared result of the reduced pain between morphine and pethidine. 60 caesarean section patients by the general anesthesia in Chaiyaphum hospital from May-July 2015 were random. The instruments for data of pain score at 0-60 min were assessed by the content validity devices. Datas were analyzed using descriptive statistic and inferential statistic.
The result found that the reduced pain patients average age 30 – 34 yrs. 41.7%, education grade Pre degree 33.3%, no underlying 88.3%, first pregnancy 63.3%and pregnancy 38 wks. 21.7%. The pain levels were management at 15 -30 min. there is no statistical significant.
Conclusion : The pain management by morphine and pethidine are acceptable.
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- 2021-08-27 (2)
- 2019-07-31 (1)
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