Comparison Result between blanket invention and blanket use with Forced – air Patient warming among women receiving Cesarean section under Spinal anesthesia
Blanket invention, Hypothermia, shivering, Cesarean section, Spinal anesthesiaAbstract
This quasi – experiment study aimed to compared result between blanket invention and blanket use with Forced – air Patient warming among women receiving cesarean section under Spinal anesthesia. Sixty cases were recruited using convenient sampling and were assigned into experimental and control group equally. The experimental group received blanket invention made from fabric shade while the control group received normal blanket. Instruments used included The Demographic data record form and The Shivering symptom record form. Core temperature was monitored every 15 minutes until the end of the operation, Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic and independent t – test.
The result : found that two types of group no symptoms hypothermia and shivering during spinal anesthesia. There is no statistical significant (p ˃ 0.05)
Conclusion : Two types of blanket can protected Hypothermia and Shivering intraoperation, blanket invention reduce the expenses.
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- 2021-08-27 (2)
- 2019-07-31 (1)
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