The Effects of Medical Social Work Service on Quality of life in Aids patients NCD clinic Chaiyaphum Hospital.
Medical Social Work Service, Quality of life, Aids patientAbstract
The purpose of descriptive study were to study and compared quality Of life in Aids patients after received Medical Social Work Service. Purposive sampling was use to select fifty Aids patients. The subjects consisted of twenty eight female and twenty two male Aids patients from Chaiyaphum Hospital, age 12-58 year. The research instruments were 1) quality of life questionnaire and 2) Medical Social Work Service consisted of social case work and family housing fund about five hundred bath per month. The quality of life questionnaire has experts examined and confirmed the content validity. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for reliability was 0.61. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistice ( i.c., percent, mean and standard deviation ) and inferential statistic was Paired t-Test.
The finding revealed that Quality of life in Aids patient both before and after received Medical Social Work Service were of below level ( = 49.40, 49.32 ) Quality of life In Aids patients before and after received Medical Social Work Service mean score revealed no significant difference at the level of 0.88 ( p= 0.05)
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- 2021-09-02 (2)
- 2019-08-01 (1)
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