Medication use behavior of elderly patients with chronic diseases
Medication use behaviorAbstract
As Thailand has been entering an aging society, while most of elder population have underlying chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetic mellitus, and chronic kidney diseases, which create many problems of medication use among them. Therefore, the awareness of the medication use behavior of elderly patients is a significant particularly among the group of elders with chronic diseases who have been serviced.
Objective: To survey the inappropriate medication use behavior of elderly patients with chronic diseases in Kaengkhro hospital. Chaiyaphum province in Thailand.
Methodology: The study is a descriptive research conducted with the registered elders at Kaengkhro hospital during February 1st to March 31st 2020. The total of sample is 60 patients by data analysis of descriptive statistics.
Results: The findings collected from 60 elderly patients, 66.67% of female which all have the average age of 69.30 years old and the average of prescription medications is 4.8 per person. As the result, we found the behaviors as follows; self-medication is at 86.67%, having the acknowledge when expired medication appropriately disposed or returned to the hospital is at 53.33%, consulting with health personnel or re-checking the label when direction for use is unclear is at 76.67%, checking the label of medication is at 63.33%, the full dosage of prescription medication use is at 96.67% and medication use in timely manner is at 86.67%, Managing when abnormal symptoms occur due to medication is at 56.67%, having the acknowledge when drug degradation appropriately disposed or returned to the hospital is at 58.33% In addition, checking the expiry date of medication is at 30.00%, appropriate drug storage behavior is calculated at 26.67%.
Conclusion: Medication use behavior of elderly patient with chronic diseases is individually varied across the patients. Primarily behavior such as full dosage of prescription medication use, medication use in timely manner and seeking help when medication’s label is unclear are well-established among most of the elderly patients whereas, some behaviors such as the unchecked expiry date of medication and unappropriate drug storage behavior is alarmingly among most of the elderly patient as well. Thereby, with the deeply understanding of those behaviors, we can create a concrete plan in management and find the solutions to correct the problematic behaviors.
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- 2021-08-18 (2)
- 2020-08-20 (1)
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