Nursing Care for Pregnancy Patient with Rupture Endometriosis: Case Study
Endometriosis, Complication during pregnancy, Nursing careAbstract
Rupture endometriosis during pregnancy is a complication with low incidence but results are life-threatening for both mother and child. This case study aims to study the nursing process for pregnancy patient with rupture endometriosis based on Roy's adaptation theory. It is a retrospective descriptive study design. Data has been collected by the interviewed patient and relative and reviewed medical records from April 8th - May 16th, 2020. Results: a 27-year-old pregnant female (G1 P0) who presents at 36 weeks of gestation complaining of acute severe lower abdominal pain with no other associated symptoms such as contraction or membrane leak 5 minutes prior to admission. Ultrasound showed pelvic mass 7x7 centimeters with fetal distress. So, she was admitted and got the Caesarean section with B-lynch procedure due to fetal distress on April 8th, 2020. Hematoma at Lt. adnexa anterior cul-de-sac with blood clot 1,000 c.c. was seen intraoperatively and packed swabs for stop bleeding then re-operation for re-explored laparotomy with off swabs on April 10th, 2020. The patient has been treated the complications after surgery in the surgical intensive care unit from April 8th - 11th, 2020, and transferred to the postpartum ward in order to continue treatment and preparation for discharge. The patient has been discharged on April 16th, 2020. The last diagnosis was Rupture Endometrioma and pathological diagnosis which reported on May 16th, 2020 was an Ovarian cyst. In this case study, I found that the assessment of stimuli that influence the adaptive behavior in 4 modes of patient and relative include physiological, self-concept, role function, and interdependence modes. Able to set goals and nursing plans overall holistic body, mind, and society. Including promoting behavior in adjusting the patient to be suitable for the preoperative period, after surgery period, and before discharge effectively.
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- 2021-08-18 (2)
- 2020-08-20 (1)
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