Factors related to recognition performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital
Factors related to recognition performance evaluationAbstract
The objective of a cross-sectional analytic research to study 1) the knowledge and understanding level about performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital 2) the recognition recognition performance level of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital 3) the relation from human factors and knowledge and understanding level to recognition performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital. Data collection from random sampling 279 person of official Chaiyaphum Hospital and data was analyzed by computer program using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and Spearman rank correlation coefficient correlation to test the hypotheses by statistical significance at the level 0.05.
The results were as follows. The knowledge and understanding about performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital at middle level ( = 0.585, S.D = 0.203), the recognition performance evaluation of civil servant at middle level ( = 3.18, S.D. = 0.546) and all issues at middle level. The factors related to recognition performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital found 1) The human factors were age, operating time, income, leader experience, self-research and feel performance appraisal was important had statistical significant correlation with factors related to recognition performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital at the level 0.05 ( r=0.268, p-value =<0.001), (r=0.195, p-value =0.001), (r=0.149, p-value =0.013), (r=0.285, p-value =0.001), (r=0.895, p-value =0.001), (r=0.279, p-value=0.001) respectively and 2) knowledge and understanding factors was important had statistical significant correlation with factors related to recognition performance evaluation of civil servant Chaiyaphum Hospital at the level 0.05 (r = 0.208, p-value = 0.01)
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- 2021-08-18 (2)
- 2020-08-20 (1)
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