Early Stage Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma with an Adjacent Non-homogeneous Leukoplakia : A Case Report
oral squamous cell carcinoma, non-homogeneous leukoplakia, potentially malignant disorderAbstract
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common oral cancer. It is mostly found in people age 50 or over. The common sites generally found are lateral tongue and floor of mouth. Risk factors of the disease are tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and betel nut chewing. Prior to malignant transformation, OSCC mostly occur as potentially malignant disorder (PMD) such as leukoplakia. Early OSCC has a good prognosis and is curable by surgical treatment. Whereas, in management of leukoplakia, there is no clear evidence that suggests the most effective treatment modality to prevent malignant transformation.
This report demonstrated a case of early OSCC with an adjacent non-homogeneous leukoplakia, affecting right lateral tongue, floor of mouth and lower edentulous ridge. Conservative surgical treatment was performed by total excision of cancerous lesion while the remaining leukoplakia was left untreated. After 1 year-follow-up period, no recurrence of OSCC and malignant transformation of leukoplakia were observed. The result of this case study supports conservative treatment modality for early OSCC and leukoplakia and suggests for further studies in long term outcome of the treatment.
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