Effect of Motivation and Social Support Program for Periodontal Disease Preventive Behaviors among Diabetic Patients in Wang-thong District, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand
periodontal disease, preventive behavior, diabetic patients, protection motivation theory, social support theoryAbstract
This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of motivation and social support program for periodontal disease preventive behavior among diabetic patients in Wang thong district, Phitsanulok province, by applications of protection motivation theory and social support theory. The purposive sample group of eighty diabetic patients was divided into an experimental group and comparison group, each composed of forty diabetic patients. Nong-phra sub-district and Wong-pikul sub-district were purposively selected. Then, the simple random sampling with lottery approach was used to divide those two sub-districts into experimental and comparison groups. The experimental group received a motivation and social support program consisting of activities such as lecturing with video media, demonstration and practice, experiences exchanging, group discussion, modeling, verbal prompting, and home visiting. The study period took twelve weeks. Data were collected in three phases: before the experiment, after the experiment, and follow-up after the experiment using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way repeated measure ANOVA and two-way repeated measure ANOVA. The results showed that after the experiment and the follow-up after the experiment, the experimental group had an average score of perceived severity of periodontal disease, perceived susceptibility of periodontal disease, perceived self-efficacy for periodontal disease prevention, expectation on the outcome of the practice for periodontal disease prevention and periodontal disease preventive behavior more than before the experiment and more than the comparison group by statistically significant (p<0.05). The result of this research suggests that the motivation and social support program can be applied in diabetic patients to prevent periodontal disease and tooth loss.
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