The Effects of Health Promotion for Reducing Blood Pressure among Uncontrolled Hypertension Patients in Kongra District, Phatthalung Province


  • Naeimah Jehwae Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Ibteesam Keteh Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Witchada Simla Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Tum Boonrod Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Suda Khamnurak Kongra Hospital Phatthalung Province, Thailand


hypertension, uncontrolled blood pressure, DASH diet


Hypertension is a chronic non-communicable disease and remained a public health problem. This quasi-experimental study aimed to determine the effects of health promotion for reducing blood pressure among uncontrolled hypertension patients without comorbidities in Kongra District, Phatthalung Province. Multi-sate sampling was used for recruiting 74 eligible patients who were divided into the control groups (n=37) and experimental groups (n=37) for 8 weeks of intervention. The research activities included providing knowledge about nutrition for controlling and preventing hypertension, especially the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet (DASH); selection of local food patterns according to combination DASH diet and the 2:1:1 food plate model consisting of vegetables ½ of plate, starch ¼ of plate and protein ¼ of plate; group talked and shared the experience of food consumption to combination DASH diet and food plate model 2:1:1; providing knowledge about medication use behaviors; creating a drug calendar, games, messenger for reminding of taking medicine and knowledge and home visits. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Paired t-test, Wilcoxon Sign Rank test, and Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed the differences betweeen experimental group and control group included knowledge scores about hypertension (p<0.001), knowledge scores about the DASH diet (p=0.045), medication use behaviors scores (p=0.004), systolic blood pressure levels (p<0.001), and diastolic blood pressure levels (p=0.014). Therefore, health promotion in patients with uncontrolled hypertension should be continued and the risk of complications could be reduced in the future.


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How to Cite

เจะแว น., กือเตะ อ., สิมลา ว., บุญรอด ต., & ขำนุรักษ์ ส. (2024). The Effects of Health Promotion for Reducing Blood Pressure among Uncontrolled Hypertension Patients in Kongra District, Phatthalung Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(2), 265–275. Retrieved from



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