Treatment Outcomes for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
tuberculosis, multidrug-resistance, treatment outcomesAbstract
Multidrug-resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a major global health concern and countries. The World Health Organization reported in 2017 that the estimated number of MDR-TB/RR patients was 558,000. The percentage of successful treatment outcome was 55.00% and that of the unsuccessful treatment was 45.00% (failed, lost to follow-up, died and others). The objective of this study was to valuate the treatment outcomes for multidrug resistance tuberculosis and the duration of MDR-TB treatment through a systematic literature search of articles published between 2008 and 2018. The databases included Science Direct, Google Scholar, Cochrane library, PubMed databases, and selected Thai Journal such as Chest Disease and Critical Care, Journal of Disease Control, Journal of Health Science, and Journal of Health Systems Research. Based on the screening algorithm, 16 articles were selected and analyzed using STATA software. A total of 4,535 MDR-TB patients were covered in the selected articles; and the treatment outcomes were as follow: 51.0% (95%CI=44.0-58.0) cured, 33.0% (95%CI = 10.0-55.0) complete treatment, 5.0% (95%CI = 2.0-8.0) treatment failure, 13.0% (95%CI = 9.0-17.0) lost to follow-up, and 13.0% (95%CI = 10.0-16.0) died. The duration of treatment was 8.2-30 months. We recommended that the treatment program for MDR-TB patients should be improved within the healthcare system with particular attention to effective medical diagnosis, treatment, case follow-up, and close monitoring of the treatment program.
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