Nursing Care for HIV/AIDS patients with Opportunistic Infections


  • Atchana Aumtong Sawanpracharak Hospital.


Nursing Care, HIV/AIDS patients, Opportunistic Infections


Individuals infected with HIV/AIDS are patients who suffer both physically and mentally due to the chronic nature of the disease that cannot be cured. Continuous care and treatment are essential, and accurate nursing diagnosis can help patients cope with illness and adapt appropriately to society. Home and community nursing involves healthcare professionals closely interacting with patients and their families, facilitating successful home-based treatment, preventing medication resistance, promoting self-reliance, and ensuring a sustained quality of life.


  To study the nursing process for HIV/AIDS patients with opportunistic infections.


  Patients with voluntary comorbid pulmonary tuberculosis were selected for nursing care using the Gordon Health Pattern model. The study involved collecting patient and family information, diagnosing and planning nursing care according to the identified problems, evaluating the results of care through home visits, and addressing any problems encountered.


  Patients were found to have low immune levels and opportunistic infections, primarily tuberculosis. They experienced physical and mental distress, feared the disclosure of their condition, and faced societal stigma. The role of nurses included promoting self-care abilities, providing knowledge, advice, counseling, and encouragement for good health and continued treatment. Nurses acted as coordinators between healthcare team members.


  This case study illustrates a comprehensive and systematic nursing care process. Maintaining patient confidentiality, conducting home visits, and addressing related health problems contribute to reduced treatment gaps. Home visits can help identify other disease-related or health behavior-related issues. Addressing these issues positively impacts ongoing treatment, reduces, or prevents severe complications, and facilitates appropriate societal adaptation.


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How to Cite

อ่ำทอง อ. (2024). Nursing Care for HIV/AIDS patients with Opportunistic Infections . Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 2–11. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)