Community Resilience Quotient In The Pandemic of COVID-19 at Area Health Bord 2.


  • Yokfa Penglia Mental Health Center 2
  • Sukserm Tippunya Mental Health Center 2


Mental immunity in the community, Health District Lesson 2, epidemic situation, Coronavirus 2019


This qualitative research aims to study factors influencing community resilience quotient during pandemic of COVID -19 at Area Health Bord 2, Thailand. In detail, 51 persons who have high risk of COVID-19 were selectively sampled as population group, including citizens, health workers, leaders of community, health volunteers, and the spiritual leaders. The samples were then divided into two groups for study during July, 2020. First group of 36 samples applies purposive sampling technique while another group of 15 samples uses in-depth interview. Research tools include general data collection, focus group, semi-structured interview, qualitative and content data analysis.

Study results indicated that meaning of resilience quotient is a mental strength and ability of adaptation to crisis.The community resilience quotient have three levels with three influencing factors:
1) Personal level to reduce stress  and anxiety, feeling safe and clam by adaptation themselves to crisis, seeking for self-care and following healthy and mind measures under the COVID-19 prevention law 2) Family level to achieve trust, loving , feeling safe, clam and accept each other by applying  reinforcement factors such as good relationship and bounding of family, positive communication, caring, family behavior changes to follow the COVID-19 prevention law 3) Community level to promote feeling safe, clam, hope and acceptable high risk family or community by such as formal and informal strong leaders as major factor who can have important roles in communication and participation promotion at personal, family and community levels. Reinforcing factors include system and dynamic implementation of prevention processes under the provincial policies and promote to district, village or community. Additionally, all levels of community immunity are from the result of severity perception and impacts of COVID -19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

เพ็งเลีย ห., & ทิพย์ปัญญา ส. (2024). Community Resilience Quotient In The Pandemic of COVID-19 at Area Health Bord 2. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 12–19. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)