Nursing Care of Paraplegia Patient using Functional Health Pattern with Community participation : Case Study


  • Dutduean Chitngern Sawanpracharak Hospital.


Paraplegia nursing, Spinal cord injury, Transverse myelitis


A case study  has the educational objectives. To study knowledge about paraplegia in the community and compare case studies to promote and prevent it. The occurrence of complications and recovery through community participation and to provide case studies and information to nurses in the community. and personnel in related interdisciplinary fields understand the problems of paraplegia patients and can use them to develop nursing guidelines to be more effective. The sample group used in this case study were two patients in the community in the area of responsibilityof the Wat Chong Kririsrisitthiwararam Community Health Center who were paraplegia, a male aged 40 years and a female aged 56 years. Study during January

2023 - September 2023.Collected data from home visits and medical records according to the nursing process as follows: 1) Assess problems and nursing needs. 2) Use data obtained to make nursing diagnoses. 3) Plan nursing care. 4) Nursing practice. 5) Evaluate nursing results. 6) Compare case studies. 7) Conclusions and recommendations. The results of comparing the case studies are the same. That both cases are paraplegia patient and are family leaders and have the same health problems. Stress and anxiety, lack of rest, urinary tract infections, constipation, pressure sores, pain, complications that may occur such as clogged arteries, muscle atrophy, Various accidents Problems from the environment The primary caregiver's abilities deteriorated. and the community participates in taking care of the differences caused spinal cord injury by a gas tank falling on one's back and transverse myelitis by spinal cord infection. Education level: Grade 6 and Bachelor's degree, occupational status There is conflict in the community. Knowledge about health conditions different contexts Apply nursing knowledge for spinal cord injuries, family nursing, psychiatric nursing, Nursing theory to plan .Problems can be solved successfully and some problems still need to be followed up. The important thing in taking care of these two case studies is getting cooperation from the community. The community is well involved in patient care. Suggestions 1) Nursing competency should be developed. In caring for paraplegia patients in the community 2) Promote personnel to have knowledge about caring for patients' mental conditions. To help patients in all 4 dimensions: physical, mental, social and spiritual. For example, meditation therapy, stress management, etc. in order to improve the results of effective care.


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How to Cite

จิตเงิน ด. (2024). Nursing Care of Paraplegia Patient using Functional Health Pattern with Community participation : Case Study. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 45–55. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)