The Effectiveness of Village Health Volunteers, the 1st doctor work in primary health care system, health region 7


  • Tawin Lerkchaiyaphum Health Service Support Center 7 Department Of Health Service Support


Village health volunteer (VHV), primary health system, role perception, motivation


This study was evaluative research aimed at studying the effectiveness of Village Health Volunteers (VHV), the first doctors in the primary health care system in Health Region 7. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured open-ended questions through group discussions among officials responsible for primary health and primary health at the provincial, district, sub-district, and village health volunteers from provinces in Health Region 7—15 people per province. The data were analyzed and synthesized according to the CIPP Model. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire from 424 VHVs, the first doctors, and analyzed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

  The results of the qualitative study found: (1) Context: VHVs, the first doctors, were developed using the VHV family doctor curriculum, digital technology use, and managing problems that are consistent with the context of the area. (2) Input: VHVs are ready to learn and develop themselves to be able to work in the

primary health system. (3) Process: Work processes were coordinated between VHVs, the first doctor, and the second doctor, using the same operational model. (4) Product: VHVs, the first doctors, are the ones who help the second doctor and the third doctor with patient follow-up, communication, advising the patients, and forwarding information in the community, connecting with public health officials. The results of the quantitative study found that most VHVs had a high level of awareness of the role of VHVs, the first doctor, at a high level (59.91 percent) and had a high level of motivation to work (57.31 percent). From the results of this study, the potential of VHVs, the first doctor, should be increased in operating in the primary health system, particularly in the fields of knowledge, communication skills, and performance evaluation.


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How to Cite

เลิกชัยภูมิ ถ. (2024). The Effectiveness of Village Health Volunteers, the 1st doctor work in primary health care system, health region 7. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 20–27. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)