Nursing Care Cerebral Hemorrhage Stroke


  • Sukanya Trusanan Sawanpracharak Hospital


Nursing care, stroke patient, cerebral hemorrhage


Stroke, a prevalent neurological ailment, stands as a significant contributor to both mortality and post-stroke disability, impacting not only the patient but also their family and resulting in economic losses. Consequently, effective healthcare management for stroke patients necessitates a comprehensive approach

Beyond adhering to hospital-based treatment plans, it involves a holistic healthcare strategy facilitated by the nursing team. This approach places emphasis on engaging interdisciplinary teams and involving family members, ensuring close monitoring and preventative care to avert complications. Moreover, adequately preparing relatives to provide care at home proves instrumental in fostering the patient's survival and robust recovery.

Objective To study the process of nursing care for a cerebral hemorrhage stroke patient

Methods The researchers conducted a qualitative case study by selecting a patient diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage within the catchment area of the Sawanpracharak Community Health Center. To gather comprehensive data, various methods were employed, including the review of outpatient medical records, conducting interviews with the patient and their relatives, undertaking home visit observations, and using health assessment forms based on Gordon's 11 functional health patterns.

Results The study revealed challenges encountered by both the patient and their relatives in providing adequate care at home, leading to a lack of confidence in caregiving. To address these issues, nursing planning incorporated theories such as Orem's theory of self-care deficit, the empowerment theory of Gibson, the participation theory of Cohen and Uphoff, and Roy’s adaptation model. These theories served as guidelines to empower and educate the patient and family on proper and confident care for the individual with cerebral hemorrhage.  Additionally, weekly follow-up visits conducted by interdisciplinary professional teams showed promising outcomes. Within one month, the patient demonstrated a significant improvement in their Barthel Index daily activity assessment score, increasing from 4 to 13 points, with no preventable complications observed. By the fourth month, the patient regained the ability to perform daily activities and walk independently with the assistance of a four-legged walker.

Conclusion This case study highlights the crucial role of nurses in assessing and identifying patient problems from the outset, leading to prompt and timely nursing care. This includes home visit follow-ups to ensure patients receive rehabilitative care, thereby reducing complications upon returning home. Furthermore, this approach promotes knowledge among family members, caregivers, and networks to provide rehabilitative care and reduce factors contributing to recurrent incidents.


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How to Cite

ตรุสานันท์ ส. (2024). Nursing Care Cerebral Hemorrhage Stroke. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(1), 38–44. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)