The Development of Health Literacy Promoting Model for Factory Staff in Nakhon Sawan Province
Health literacy promoting model, Health literacy, Health behavior, Factory staffAbstract
The objective of this research was to develop and evaluate a model for promoting health literacy among factory staff. The study design was a quasi–experimental study one group pretest–posttest. The samples were 137 staffs form a factory in Nakhon Sawan Province. The research instruments were (1) The health literacy development program that was developed based on Health Education Division’s health literacy and health behavior development concept, Department of Health Service Support, the Ministry of Public Health combined with Nutbeam models by developing 6 skills. (2) An evaluation form of the working age group’s health literacy and health behavior based on Health Education Division, Department of Health Service Support, the Ministry of Public Health. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and pair t-test. The results revealed that after enrolling the health literacy promoting model, the average score of health literacy and health behavior in the experimental group were significant higher than before enrolling the health literacy promoting model (p-value 0.05). In conclusion, the health literacy promoting model can be improved health literacy and health behavior in factory staffs.
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