The Effects of Programs Promoting Health Literacy and Prevention Behavior of New Smoker in the Lower Secondary School Students in a School in Ngao District, Lampang Province
Program to enhance health literacy, Smoking prevention behavior, New SmokerAbstract
This study used a quasi-experimental research approach, utilizing a pretest-posttest methodology. A research project was conducted to assess the effect of a health literacy and prevention program on new smokers in a lower secondary school in Ngao District, Lampang Province. The study involved two groups, an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 60 individuals. Both the experimental and control groups received standard instruction from the school. However, the experimental group was provided with a program aimed at improving health literacy and promoting preventative behavior, specifically for new smokers among middle school kids. The program integrates the notion of health literacy. There is an addition of time every Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Comprising of four activities, requiring a duration of four weeks to finish. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the data using statistical methods including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test, and independent t-test.
The findings indicated that the mean scores of the overall health literacy of the experimental group was significantly statistically higher after the implementation of the intervention (p<.05). Meanwhile, their overall prevention behavior in smoking after participation in the program was greater than that before attending it (p<.05).
The recommendation of this study highlights the importance of equipping young leaners with essential daily skills, including access of information skills, cognitive skills, communication skills, self-management skills, decision-making skills, and media literacy skills. All skilled should be applied for their effective health care, and knowledge sharing with others.
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