The Effects of the Participation Process on Knowledge, Behavior, and the Quality of Reused Cooking Oil among Food Cooks in the Community of Sriphanommas Subdistrict Municipality, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province


  • พิชชาภรณ์ ดำริธรรมเจริญ สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์


Participation process, Food cooks, Knowledge, Behavior, Quality of reused cooking oil


This quasi-experimental study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design to evaluate changes among food cooks in the community of Sriphanommas Subdistrict Municipality, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province. The study assessed 93 food cooks and analyzed 60 oil samples. The research instruments comprised four components: a general information recording form, a knowledge assessment questionnaire on reused cooking oil, a behavior questionnaire regarding reused cooking oil usage, and a polar compound test kit for oil sample analysis. The questionnaires were validated by three experts, resulting in reliability coefficients of 0.71 for the knowledge questionnaire and 0.69 for the behavior questionnaire. The polar compound test kit demonstrated 95.00% sensitivity and 93.00% accuracy, with the capability to detect polar compounds at 20.00% by weight. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired sample t-test and Fisher’s exact test.

The results revealed statistically significant improvements (p<0.001) in both knowledge and behavior regarding reused cooking oil among food cooks after program participation. The quality of reused cooking oil samples also showed notable improvement. Before the intervention, 20.00% of the samples were classified as not degraded, 65.00% as nearing degradation, and 15.00% as degraded. Post-intervention analysis showed an increase in non-degraded oil samples to 45.00%, a decrease in samples nearing degradation to 55.00%, and no detection of degraded samples. Statistical analysis confirmed significant improvement in the quality of reused cooking oil following the participatory process (p<0.001).


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How to Cite

ดำริธรรมเจริญ พ. (2024). The Effects of the Participation Process on Knowledge, Behavior, and the Quality of Reused Cooking Oil among Food Cooks in the Community of Sriphanommas Subdistrict Municipality, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(3), 44–52. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)