The Development of a Model for Strengthening Community Empowerment in Driving Road Safety in Nuea Khlong Subdistrict, Nuea Khlong District, Krabi Province


  • Sakonwat Nanuan ์Nueaklong Hospital


Community strengthen, Community participation, Road safety


This research is a community-based research and development study.
The objective is to develop a model to strengthen the community in driving road safety. Nuea Khlong Subdistrict, Nuea Khlong District, Krabi Province. Data were collected using
a questionnaire in a sample of 30 children and youth and group discussions with people involved in strengthening the community in driving road safety. A total of 60 students analyzed the planning problems to prevent and solve road accidents using the Hiyarihatto technique according to the operational research process using a continuous cycle of 4 steps: 1) Planning stage, 2) Act procedure, 3) Observe procedure, and 4) Reflect procedure or PAOR Cycle.

The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents were males (65.73 percent) aged 15-18 years (35.25 percent). Most of them came. The school by driving
a motorcycle (89.10 percent), not having a motorcycle driving license (90.00 percent), the level of knowledge is low (94.95 percent), attitudes are low (75.63 percent) and driving behavior to prevent traffic accidents is low (52.10 percent). The accident situation in
Nuea Khlong sub-district was mainly 258 road accidents (47.25%), most of which were accidents caused by cars and motorcycles (75.52%), aged between 10-29 years old (84.45%).

the result of the group discussion, Community Strengthening Model in Road Accident Prevention It consists of: 1) Creating a mechanism to drive the prevention of road accidents in the community 2) Developing an accident information system in the area, preparing information on the situation, and presenting the results of awareness and awareness of road accidents among people in the community 3) Meeting to prepare a road accident prevention plan, which is a joint integrated plan of community agencies 4) Developing the capacity to prevent road accidents 5) Reporting or reporting road accidents in the area Based on the performance, it is found that the accident prevention system based on the participation of the community can drive the team to drive the implementation of accident prevention and reduce the death rate from road accidents. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the area for road accident prevention should be expanded to the district level.


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How to Cite

Nanuan, S. (2024). The Development of a Model for Strengthening Community Empowerment in Driving Road Safety in Nuea Khlong Subdistrict, Nuea Khlong District, Krabi Province. Primary Health Care Journal (Northern Edition), 34(3), 11–21. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)