Cognitive Behavior Therapy inPatients WithSchizophrenia : Reviews for Research Based practice in Thailand. การบำบัดด้วยแนวคิดการปรับเปลี่ยนความคิดและพฤติกรรมในผู้ป่วยโรคจิตเภท : การทบทวนงานวิจัยเพื่อใช้ในการปฎิบัติในประเทศไทย


  • Natika Rachabootr
  • Suriya Rachabudtr


          This study aimed to review the characteristics of the research study using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients in Thailand and to analyze those studies and summarize the model of CBT used for the treatment. The relevant studies were searched from online databases of academic libraries and related mental health databases and 6 research studies were found. The result showed that those studies were the parts of the master's degree program published from year 2005 to 2016. Four of them are case study researches and the two are quasi-experimental researches. The conceptual framework in those studies was created based on the literature reviews developed by Beck et al. (1979). The CBT model for schizophrenia patient admitted in the hospital in Thailand was the individual therapy to reduce the positive symptoms. While the CBT model in the community was the group therapy to reduce both negative and positive symptoms.
          All six studies have shown that CBT can be used in Thailand to reduce the positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenic patients with the first and second illness. The effectiveness of treatment depended on the number of treatments and the therapist's expertise. In addition, the therapy was more effective in recipients with initial illness and less severe symptoms.

          Keywords : Schizophrenia, Cognitive Behavior Therapy






Review Article