Correlation of Eosinophilia in Routine Blood Samples And Clinical Manifestationsin Sakon Nakhon Hospital : ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างภาวะ Eosinophilia จากการตรวจเลือดทั่วไปและอาการทางคลินิกของผู้ป่วยในโรงพยาบาลสกลนคร
The purposes of this study were to determine the prevalence of eosinophilia in Sakon Nakhon Hospital and relationship between eosinophil count and clinical manifestations. Eosinophilia are defined as a peripheral blood eosinophil count greater than 500/µl.
A population was patients who underwent completed blood count (CBC) exam during April 1, 2017 and September 30, 2017 to find prevalence. The calculated 235 patients was selected by random sampling to observe clinical manifestations. The first clinical data were collected on October 1, 2017 by medical record review and followed until March 31, 2018.
Among the total number of 28,300 patients, 54.9% of them were male. The average age was 48.06 years (15-103/SD 18.72). The mean hemoglobin level was 11.77 g/dl (1.5-23/SD 2.34). The mean platelet count was 273,316 /µl (2,000-1,717,000/SD 101,315). The mean white blood cell count was 10,101 cells/µl (200-683,120/SD 8,076) and the mean eosinophil count was 319.58 cells/µl (0-24,799.60/SD 526.12). The prevalence of eosinophilia was 18.60% (5,257/28,300); divided into mild eosinophilia (16.00%), moderate eosinophilia (2.50%) and severe eosinophilia (0.10%).
There were 235 patients with eosinophilia selected to observe clinical manifestations. There were83.8% (197) of mild eosinophilia, 15.3% (36) of moderate eosinophilia and 0.9% (2) of severe eosinophilia. During the mean observed time of 152.66 days (1-360), 15 patients (6.4%) had symptoms secondary eosinophilia. They were uncontrollable allergy and asthma (11), parasitic infestations (3) and myeloproliferative neoplasm (1). The degrees of eosinophilia were significantly related to clinical manifestations (rpb= 0.136, p = .037).
In conclusion, eosinophilia was common in Sakon Nakhon hospital. The clinical manifestations were uncommon but significantly correlated with the severity of eosinophilia.
Keywords : Hypereosinophilia, Eosinophilia, Eosinophil