Effects of Applied ExerciseProgram onPrevention of Mental Health Ploblem amongNursing Student of ChaiyaphumRajabhat University : ผลของโปรแกรมออกกำลังกายเชิงประยุกต์ต่อการป้องกันปัญหาสุขภาพจิต ของนักศึกษาพยาบาลมหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ


  • Natika Rachabootr
  • Jungera Janthamungkhun
  • Lamphong Sriwongchai
  • Torranin Khunkhavn


          This quasi-experimental research aimed toevaluate the effect of the exceriseprogram with applied folk songon the preventing of mental health problems among nursing students and compare the difference of mental health scoreafter participating on this program. The samples were 1st year nursing students, academic year 2018,ChaiyaphumRajabhat University. The purposive sampling were applied to get 58 nursing students and devided into experimental group; 29 students participated in the appliedexceriseprogram and control group; 29 stuentsgained the usual care. The content validity of this programe tested by the Index of item-Objective Congruence; IOC was 0.89. The data collection for mental health problem was carried out using the short version of Thai Mental Health Indicator-15, Department of Mental Health, Thailand, Sunprung stress measurement model developed bySuwatMahatnirunkunetet. aland the assessment of depression in adolescents developed by UmapornTrangkasombatet al. Coparision the difference of mean score within group before and after experiment by Paired Sample t-test. Comparision between group using the Independent Sample t-test. Ap-value<.05 was considered significant.

          The results showed thatafter participaed in the applied exercise program, the experimental group had significantly increased the mean score of mental health (p = .02). The  mean score of stress and depression were significantly decreased (p = .01, .01, respectively). The comparision of mean score between experimental and control group after experiment found that the experimental group had significantly higher mean score of mental health than those of control group (p = .02). The mean score of stress and depression were significantly lower than those of control group (p = .04, .01, respectively). These results suggest that this applied excerise program is an alternative instrument to efficiently prevent mental health problem among nursing students.

          Keywords : Exercise,Mental Health Ploblem,Nursing Student






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