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The Development of The Health Literacy on Blood Sugar Control for Diabetes Type II Patients, Kaolieo, Nakhonsawan


  • Wasin Thongsongkrit Koalieo Hospital, Nakhonsawan province


Objective      :   To study the level of health literacy among diabetes type II patients and to develop the health literacy and the effectiveness on blood sugar control for diabetes type II patients

Method         :   This study is an action research. The study area is Kao Liao, Nakhon Sawan Province. The sample group is type 2 diabetic patients. Conducting the research was divided into 2 phases: the preparatory phase and the health literacy development phase. There were 116 samples for the health literacy survey and 50 samples for health literacy development. Research tools were group discussion guidelines, in-depth interviews guidelines, and questionnaires. These tools were approval by validity testing (IOC 0.80-0.85) and reliability testing (α 0.70-0.80). The data collection methods were the informal in-depth interview, and the focus group discussion. Data analysis introduced the descriptive statistic : percentage, mean, S.D., median, and Min-Max to detail the sample characteristics and the inferential statistic as paired t-test and Wilcoxon sign ranks test for the difference testing between before and after the health literacy improving. The statistical significance level was set as p<0.05.

Results          :   The average level of all aspects of health literacy was at the interactive level (91.4%). There was a statistically significant difference of mean before and after training. The mean level of health literacy after training was statistically significantly higher than before development (x̄ 148.1±33.4 and x̄ 199.0±18.6, P=0.001). It also found that patients had lower mean cumulative plasma glucose (HbA1C) levels after training (HbA1c: before 6.87 %, after 6.75 %).

Conclusions   :   Health literacy in diabetes patients was essential for controlling blood glucose and could decrease acute or chronic diabetic complications. Health personnel as a multidisciplinary team should mainly consider to improve the patient health literacy.

Keywords      :   Health literacy, Blood glucose control, Type 2 diabetes mellitus patient


World Health Organization. Diabetes [Internet]. Geneva: Fact sheet; 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 8]. Available from:

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How to Cite

ทองทรงกฤษณ์ วศิน. 2021. “The Development of The Health Literacy on Blood Sugar Control for Diabetes Type II Patients, Kaolieo, Nakhonsawan”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 19 (1). Nakhonsawan Thailand:1.



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