Orthodontic Treatment in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Patients with Severe Crowding


  • Chuthamat Sujipong


Orthodontic treatment, Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Severe crowding


          A 15 years old Thai male patient with cleft lip and cleft palate presented with severe anterior crowding. Patient has convex facial profile and from lateral cephalometric analysis is skeletal type I malocclusion. Molars relationships are class I relationship. Treatment plan of this case is orthodontic treatment without orthognathic surgery. Treatment results in good occlusion and improvement of facial profile. This article provide additional information for other dentists in selection of treatment option for patients with similar problems.

Keywords: Orthodontic treatment, Cleft lip, Cleft palate, Severe crowding


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How to Cite

สุจิพงศ์ จุฑามาศ. 2022. “Orthodontic Treatment in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Patients With Severe Crowding”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 19 (1). Nakhonsawan Thailand:52. https://thaidj.org/index.php/smj/article/view/11581.



รายงานผู้ป่วย (Case Report)