The development of a care model for respiratory failure among patients with pneumonia in Sawanpracharak Hospital
Development of care model, Pneumonia patients with acute respiratory failureAbstract
Objectives : This research and development aim to develop and evaluate a care model for pneumonia patients with acute respiratory failure in Sawanpracharak hospital
Methods : This research was studied between December 2022 and June 2023. and divided into 3 phases : 1) situational analysis, 2) development of care model 3) outcome assessment. The sample consisted of 1) registered nurses, 2) a multidisciplinary team 3) pneumonia patients with acute respiratory failure. The samplings were divided into groups before and after the system development, with 30 people for each. The instruments used for collecting data were: 1) The respiratory failure with pneumonia patients care model, 2) the Respiratory failure assessment form, 3) the protocol of weaning, 4) the satisfaction assessment form, and 5) The Nurse Competency assessment form. Data were analyzed using content analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, and Fisher exact probability test.
Results : The findings revealed five components : 1) operational plans, 2) specific nursing competency, 3) mentoring, 4) nursing practice guidelines, and 5) providing practical nursing supervision. The model effectiveness testing showed after the system development was higher than before the model, the mean knowledge score of registered nurses was 12.8 (p–value<0.05), the competencies for Registered Nurses was 30.7 (p–value<0.05), the percentage of respiratory failure with pneumonia patients care model was 96.6, satisfaction assessment was 4.85, and the sSuccess in weaning from ventilators was 80.0 (p–value=0.04)
Summary : The development of a care model can increase the success of weaning for acute respiratory failure among patients with pneumonia in the transition from critical to rehabilitation stages and better knowledge, and nurse skills. Therefore, this care model should be used in the nursing practice of pneumonia patients with acute respiratory failure.
Keywords : Development of care model, Pneumonia patients with acute respiratory failure.
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