Depression and Suicide Associated Depressive Symptoms during post-coronavirus 2019 Outbreak in Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of King Narai Maharaj Hospital, Lopburi.
Depression, Suicide, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19 ), Prevalence, Risk factorAbstract
Objective: Depression and suicide-associated depressive symptoms during the post-coronavirus 2019 have remarkably increased in the psychiatric outpatient clinic of King Narai Maharaj Hospital, Lopburi.
Method: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants were interviewed using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D-7) questionnaire from March to June 2023. All statistical analyses were conducted using descriptive statistics and logistic regression.
Results: One hundred forty-one eligible participants were recruited. 85.1% experienced depression, and most of them (82.3%) had mild-to-moderate depression. 84.4% were female. Participants aged between 25 and 60 years were 62.4%. Participants with an education level below high school were 42.4%. Nearly half of them (41.1%) were single. 55.3% had an income lower than 15,000 baht per month. 51.2% had no underlying diseases. 59.6% had previous psychiatric treatment. 72.3% were quarantined while having covid infection. 48.3% experienced the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment. Applying logistic regression to depressive symptoms and suicide found that the feelings of guilt, the physical symptoms, the depressed mood, the psychological anxiety, the energy level, and the work and activities of daily living significantly increased suicidal risk.
Conclusions: After the emergence of COVID-19, mental health problems, including depression, stress, and anxiety, have surged and can lead to suicidal risk.
Keywords: Depression, Suicide, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19 ), Prevalence, Risk factor
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