The Development of Team Based Learning on Follow up Patients Undergoing One Day Surgery


  • Jeena Singhanat Sawanpracharak Hospital
  • Rungnapa Saktrakoon Sawanpracharak hospital
  • Suphanan Thongthaweephokhin Boromarajonani College of Nursing , Sawanpracharak Nakhonsawan


Team-Based Learning, Following up patient visits, One Day Surgery


Objective: To develop and study the effectiveness of team-based Learning on the following up patients undergoing One Day Surgery

Method: This research was research and development. There are 4 phases of research: 1. studying problems and needs; 2. designing and developing the model; 3. trial, and 4. evaluation phase. The study of problems and needs in following up with same-day surgical patients was conducted by conducting group interviews. Groups included doctors, nurses, medical personnel, village health volunteers, and ten patients receiving services. Developing a team-based learning model for following up with same-day surgery patients was conducted by using data from Phase 1 and reviewing related literature and programs. The research tools were developed, and experts reviewed and provided recommendations. Trials of the model and evaluation were performed by applying and evaluating the developed model’s effectiveness using an evaluation form for knowledge and stress. The sample consisted of 30 same-day surgery patients, according to the specified selection criteria, between January and June 2023.

Results: Phase 1: Problems and patient needs: Patients’ requirements were such that patients had concerns about surgery. Personnel needs problems were such as providing advice to patients, giving correct treatment, and being unable to complete all patients’ follow-ups. Phase 2: The learning model was of good quality and applicable. Phases 3 and 4 (trial and evaluation) found that the majority of subjects were males who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy. After the utilization, the participants’ average knowledge score increased, and there was a significant reduction in stress levels at p-value< 0.05.

Conclusions: The developed team-based learning model for following up on same-day surgical patients could be shared between health teams (i.e., home and community primary health care), which provided patient knowledge, reduced self-care stress, and helped continuous coordination between the hospital and the community regarding complications monitoring after surgery.

Keywords: Team-Based Learning, Following up patient visits, One Day Surgery


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สิงหนาท จีณะ, ศักดิ์ตระกูล รุ่งนภา, and ทองทวีโภคิน ศุภานัน. 2024. “The Development of Team Based Learning on Follow up Patients Undergoing One Day Surgery”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 21 (2). Nakhonsawan Thailand:86-90.



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