Regenerative Endodontics in Necrotic Immature dens Evaginatus Tooth: Case Report


  • Yanika Wattanaraeungchai Bangmunnak Hospital


Dens evaginatus, Immature open apex, Regenerative endodontics


       Dens evaginatus is a developmental anomaly of dentinogenesis, which appears as a tubercle on the occlusal surface. There is usually an extension of the dental pulp in the tubercle. In young patients, pulpitis and pulp necrosis may be caused by tubercle fractures due to occlusal trauma, resulting in an open apex, and thin root canal walls, which make the roots are prone to fracture. Regenerative endodontics is one option for treatment in necrotic immature teeth that can promote bone healing, continuation of root development, and strengthen the root structure. In this report, the regenerative endodontic treatment was done in necrotic immature dens evaginatus tooth and restored with resin composite. After 6 months of follow-up, the tooth can function normally. Radiograph shows healing of periapical lesion which is the primary goal of success and continuation of root development. However, the follow-up period must continue to detect secondary and tertiary goals.

Keywords: Dens evaginatus, Immature open apex, Regenerative endodontics


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How to Cite

วัฒนเรืองชัย ญาณิกา. 2024. “Regenerative Endodontics in Necrotic Immature Dens Evaginatus Tooth: Case Report”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 21 (2). Nakhonsawan Thailand:118-26.



รายงานผู้ป่วย (Case Report)