Implant Placement with Guided Bone Regeneration in the Maxillary Area : A Case Report
Dental implant, Guided bone regeneration, bone substitutes, resorbable membraneAbstract
A 55-year-old patient presented with horizontal ridge resorption at the 21 area from extraction due to a root fracture. The treatment planning was achieved based on clinical and radiographic (cone beam computed tomography) evaluation. Dental implant placement and guided bone regeneration using xenograft and resorbable membrane were simultaneously performed. Four-month follow-up showed a clinically dimensional bone gain in the augmented area. The second stage of surgery was then started by applying the healing abutment connection with good implant stability. The provisional restoration was placed to establish an adequate emergence profile for 1-2 months. Screw-retained ceramic crown could be delivered with good stability of both hard and soft tissue support. The patient was satisfied with the esthetic outcome.
Keywords: Dental implant, Guided bone regeneration, bone substitutes, resorbable membrane
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