Factors Predicting Colorectal Cancer and Pre-cancerous Lesion Among People Aged 50-70 Years in Muang District, Uthai Thani
Colorectal cancer, Pre-cancer stage, Risk factors, ColonoscopyAbstract
Objective: To study the incidence rate of colorectal cancer and predictive factors among the adult aged 50-70 years residing in Mueang district, Uthai Thani province.
Method: Retrospective analytical research was introduced to this study. The sample consisted of 68 people aged 50-70 years in Mueang district, Uthai Thani province who underwent colorectal cancer screening at Uthai Thani Hospital between April to November 2023. Data was collected using a colorectal cancer screening record that was retrieved from the Uthai Thani Hospital database. Data analysis used statistics such as frequency, percentage, and odds ratio.
Results: The incidence rate of colorectal cancer among the population aged 50-70 years in Mueang Uthai Thani district who underwent colorectal cancer screening at Uthai Thani Hospital was 88.9% for precancerous stage and 11.1% for malignant stage. The predictive factors for colorectal cancer at 95% CI and p-value<.05 were: having bloody mucus in stool (OR 15.50, 95%CI 1.75–136.97), having lower abdominal pain (OR 15.50, 95%CI 1.75–136.97), having rectal bleeding (OR 21.00, 95%CI 2.80 – 157.41), having alternating constipation and diarrhea (OR 12.20, 95%CI 1.25–119.63), having weight loss of more than 5 kg within 6 months (OR 21.00, 95%CI 1.25–119.63), having poor appetite (OR 12.20, 95%CI 125–119.63), and having unexplained anemia (OR 64.96, 95%CI 23.85–177.02).
Conclusions: The predictive factors identified in this study can be used to educate the public in the area about the symptoms, encouraging them to undergo screening for colorectal cancer. This can enable earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment from the initial stage, helping to reduce the severity of the disease and increase the chances of survival
Keywords: Colorectal cancer, Pre-cancer stage, Risk factors, Colonoscopy
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