Knowledge About risk Factors and Warning Symptoms of Ischemic Stroke in People with Hypertension and their Caregivers


  • Wandee Yamchanchai Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sawan Pracharak
  • Suphanan Thongthaweephokhin Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sawan Pracharak
  • Lamai Niramittawin Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sawan Pracharak


ischemic stroke, people with Hypertension, caregivers


Objective: To study the effectiveness of a participatory education model regarding risk factors and warning symptoms of ischemic stroke in people with high blood pressure and their caregivers.

Method: This study is a research and development. There are 4 phases of research: Phase 1) studied the problems and needs regarding providing knowledge about risk factors and warning symptoms of ischemic stroke in people with high blood pressure and their caregivers by conducting group interviews. The interview groups included ten nurses, medical personnel, village health volunteers with high blood pressure, and their caregivers at Nong Pling Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Mueang District, Nakhon Sawan Province. Phase 2) developed a participatory education model to provide knowledge regarding risk factors and warning symptoms of ischemic stroke in people with high blood pressure and their caregivers using information from Phase 1 and a review of related literature. Programs and research tools were then developed, reviewed, and received expert suggestions. Phases 3 and 4) were trials of the developed model and evaluation. The evaluation evaluated the effectiveness of using the knowledge delivery model and using the knowledge assessment form measurement before and after the model application. The sample group consisted of 30 people with high blood pressure and their caregivers according to the specified selection criteria and running between September 2023 and June 2024.

Results: Phase 1, Problems and needs of people with high blood pressure and their caregivers, was found to be patients not knowing the warning signs of ischemic stroke, Problems and needs of caregivers, such as observing symptoms of ischemic stroke, Phase 2, the participatory education model has four components: providing knowledge about risk factors and warning symptoms of ischemic stroke; Exchanging experiences in self-care and care reflection and summarizing concepts. Phase 3 and 4, trial and evaluation were found that those with high blood pressure and their caregivers most were female. After the experiment, people with high blood pressure and their caregivers significantly increased the mean knowledge score (p-value<0.05).

Conclusions: Participatory knowledge delivery format: This model uses learning using group processes. Interaction between groups using previous experiences to apply to self-care.

Keywords: ischemic stroke, people with Hypertension, caregivers


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แย้มจันทร์ฉาย วันดี, ทองทวีโภคิน ศุภานัน, and นิรมิตรถวิล ลมัย. 2024. “Knowledge About Risk Factors and Warning Symptoms of Ischemic Stroke in People With Hypertension and Their Caregivers”. Region 3 Medical and Public Health Journal - วารสารวิชาการแพทย์และสาธารณสุข เขตสุขภาพที่ 3 21 (4). Nakhonsawan Thailand.



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