Effect of Mental Health Literacy Promotion Program on Mental Health Literacy and Stress Among Personnel at Risk for Mental Health Regional Health Promotion Center 3, Nakhon Sawan
Mental health, literacy, promotionAbstract
Objective: To assess the effect of a mental health literacy promotion program on mental health literacy and stress among personnel at risk for mental health Regional Health Promotion Center 3, Nakhon Sawan.
Method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted among personnel working at Regional Health Promotion Center 3, Nakhon Sawan, who were at risk for mental health when assessed using the mental health check-in assessment from the Department of Mental Health. The experimental group of 35 participants received regular care along with the mental health literacy promotion program. Their outcomes were assessed before and after the experiment, one month apart, using the Mental Health Literacy Assessment and the Stress Assessment (ST5). The average scores of mental health literacy and stress levels before and after the experiment were compared using paired t-test statistics.
Results: The average score of mental health literacy for the experimental group after receiving the mental health literacy promotion program was significantly higher (M = 176.52, SD = 2.74) than before the experiment (M = 86.62, SD = 3.42), with statistical significance (t = 89.9, p-value<.05). Similarly, the average stress score for the experimental group after receiving the mental health literacy promotion program was significantly lower (M = 2.46, SD = 1.24) than before the experiment (M = 8.22, SD = 0.28), with statistical significance (t = -5.76, p-value<.05).
Conclusions: The mental health literacy promotion program can promote health literacy and reduce stress among personnel at risk of mental health issues.
Keywords: Mental health, literacy, promotion
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